Monday, August 24, 2009

Missing soccer practice for the Jason Castro show at The Grove

My son Danny and I went to the Jason Castro Michelle Branc show at The Grove; we had a blast.

Getting there the traffic was awful but we got to the achy breaky incredibly fakey Grove @ 7.

I saw Taye Diggs and his pretty pregnant wife Idina Metzel get harassed by the paps.

On the grass,the girl next to me kept yelling for her friend and I said, Don't you kids have cell phones?" The show finally started finally, yes!

The audience was talking so I have them the death stare and told a few girls to be quiet. I would have told them to shut the F*** up but my kid was there and we were next to a baby.

Jason and The Heavy Steadies were awesome during their five song set. I sang along to the songs and the CBS news was filming.

After Jason rocked that stage, we left. On our way out, a guy said don't you want to see Michelle Branch? I said, Michelle who? He said sarcasm isn't attractive. I wanted to say choke on a dick. But my kid was there so I said well bless your heart and we laughed like loons.

We left the phony Grove and had some yummy food at the real L.A. Farmer's Market. Next we went back to watch Jason and the familia be as busy as bees.

I chatted with a few folks and got in line for our picture. The street team was great and everyone got a picture to get sign.

There were a Canadian mom and daughter in line in back of us. They were in LA for their summer annual vacation and had no idea who Jason was. The mom saw Adam Lambert in Wicked last year, lucky.

The bodyguard took a good smiling picture but my eyes were closed. On the good side, no crow's feet and now I know what I look like when I close my eyes. Dave the Lawyer is quite handsome in the background.

When I was leaving for the picture/autograph hug area,I heard the driver say, "This is taking forever. I've had enough of Castro time." He went to wait in the parking lot.

I chatted some more; everyone is so nice.

Last stop, The Cheesecake Factory for some desserts to go. The parking lot was jammed and I complained. My son said, But we have cheesecake. Godiva chocolate cheesecake does make things better and the Castros.

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